
12. El Verd mountain range route

Distance: 16,3 km
Dificulty: Molt exigent


 Dificultad muy exigente

 Terreno complicado
 Pendientes pronunciadas

This route will let you to discover the el Verd’s mountain range, from the town of La Coma. Passing through les Fonts del Cardener and with the ascent to Cap del Verd (2.282m) through el Verd’s mountain range, from the west to east. During the route we will discover la Font d’Urdet, a fountain with abundant and cool water that give drink to the cattle of the zone. The return passes a scree area, highly recommendable for the mountain lovers.


More information about the route

Type: circular route

Time: 6h

Cumulative elevation gain: 1328 m


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Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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