
1. Port del Comte mountain range and Pedró dels Quatre Batlles climb

Distance: 9,85 km
Dificulty: Moderada


Difficulty: moderated

 Complicated terrain
Pronounced slopes

In this route you will enjoy Prats de Bacies and the Port del Comte’s mountain range by the north-western part of it. A route that will let you to ascend at the “Solsonès’ roof”: El Pedró dels Quatre Batlles (four mayor summit) placed at 2.383 m of altitude. The legend says that this was the point where the mayors of the four dividing towns (Odèn, La Coma i La Pedra, Fígols i Alinyà and La Vansa i Fórnols) met to talk about their matters and problems so this was the origin of the name. From el Pedró, we must emphasise the panoramic views of Pyrenees, the Cadí’s mountain range, Pedraforca, the Ensija’s mountain range, among others. It is recommendable to go for a walk through Prats de Bacies, where you will see some “dolines” and dry ponds, typical of the karstic areas.  Also you can visit La Bòfia’s pothole, a natural well of 30-40m depth that in the past was used as an ice well.

Forat de la Bòfia

More information about the route

Type: ruta circular

Time: 2h 50 min.

Cumulative elevation gain: 531 m.

Seasonality: you can do this route only during the months of spring-summer and autumn. In winter it is recommended to do with snowshoes the signposted routes from the ski resort of Port del Comte.


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Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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