
2. Walk through Bacies prairies

Distance: 4,26 km
Dificulty: Fàcil


 Difficulty: easy

 Without technical difficulty

This is an ideal route to do with the family. His flat grasslands formed by subalpine fields will let all the family members to enjoy the mountain in all its senses. Placed at 2100 m of altitude, the visitant will walk through the fields and the forests composed by creeping pines forests; at same time, the el Portet and l’Urdoll viewpoints will offer you an excellent views of Canalda and el Montnou area (Odèn).

The location of this route allows to do it in summer, by walking, or in winter, with snowshoes. In addition, it connects with other routes with different difficulties located in Port del Comte. Along the route you can find different explanatory boards about the flora and fauna of the area.

In winter, we advise precaution in the routes by vehicle to the starting points because of the presence of snow or ice on the road.


More information about the route

Type: circular route

Time: 55 min.

Cumulative elevation gain: 86 m.

Seasonality: you can do this route only during the months of spring-summer and autumn.

*It is recommended go by 4×4 or tall car to arrive at the starting point.


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Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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