Altar dels Colls

The chapel of la Mare de Déu dels Colls, located in the church of Sant Llorenç de Morunys, is one of the works more representative of the catalan baroque. It was built between 1773 and 1784 by the sculptor of Folgueroles, Josep Pujol i Juhí, and the style is late baroque.

We must emphasise the cupola, but all the combination expresses the big compositional and stage ability of the sculptor, exalted by the excelent gold and painting made between 1784 and 1789 by Ramon Moliner.

All the sculpted themes are dedicated to la Verge dels Colls (Colls Virgin): the Magnificat in the big panel on the right, the Hail Mary in the cupola and the Litanies in the pillars. The chapel has a niche with the remade image of the Virgin, but his support was affected in 1936.

The chapel was defrayed by la confraria dels Colls (Colls brotherhood), a lay congregation with medieval origin very influential in the history of the village.


Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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