
Camí de les 40 hores

The Camí de les 40 hores (40 hours path) is an old royal road that went from Sant Llorenç de Morunys to la Seu d’Urgell. From Sant Llorenç, it went up to the north, direction to la Coma, following the course of the Cardener river. From la Coma, it continued to Coll de Port, Tuixent, Fórnols, Adraén, el coll de la Creu, Bastida d’Hortons and until arriving at la Seu d’Urgell.

Along the road there are some old sources like Font d’Ordrigues or Font del Torrent del Pou. These two flow thanks to the waters of the two torrents that they have linked with the same name of the source.

Along the road we can see the dry stone walls built to support the terraces of the upper part of the road. This type of traditional construction consists in raise the walls based on the fitting of the rocks between them, without using any type of mortar to unite them.

A lo largo de este camino se pueden observar los muros de piedra seca construidos para aguantar los bancales que se encuentran en la parte superior del recorrido. Este tipo de construcción tradicional consiste en levantar las paredes a partir del encaje de las piedras entre ellas, sin utilizar ningún tipo de argamasa para unirlas.



Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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