Prats de Bacies

Prats de Bacies are a subalpine meadows located at the highest parts of Port del Comte mountain. They are placed on the south – south west part of the mountain, between Puig de les Morreres and La Bòfia refuge.

This is an ideal place to walk with all the family on summer or with snowshoes in winter.


Related routes:

2. Walk on Prats de Bacies route

3. Querol’s viewpoint and Prats de Bacies route


How to get there?

From Sant Llorenç de Morunys take the road LV-4241 direction Port del Comte. We arrive at Coll de Jou and we continue by a paved road direction to Prats de Bacies which in few meters becomes a forest path. Continue until Bòfia refuge, where we can park the car.

*You can only arrive at this place with a tall car or 4×4.



Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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