Bòfia’s pothole

The pothole of la Bòfia is a chasm of 30-40 metres of depth located in the mountain range of Port del Comte, a deep well inside which there is snow all the year. This pothole was used since immemorial times as an ice well. The ice was carried covered up with alfalfa husk to the Solsona’s well and also to Barcelona, an activity that was a source of income for the region. Nowadays the pothole gives refuge to alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus).


Related routes:

1. Port del Comte’s mountain range and ascension to Pedró dels Quatre Batlles route

3. Querol’s viewpoint and Prats de Bacies route


How to get there?

Option 1: from the Prats de Bacies refuge. From Sant Llorenç de Morunys take the road LV-4241 direction to Port del Comte. We arrive at Coll de Jou and we continue by a forest paved road direction to Prats de Bacies which in few meters becomes a forest track. Continue by this track until the refuge.

Option 2: from the parking of Estivella. From Sant Llorenç de Morunys take the road LV-4241 direction to Port del Comte. Before arriving at the roundabout of Coll de Jou, take the intersection on the right direction to Port del Comte. Once in the urbanisation, take the third intersection on the left, to the ski resort. Once in the ski resort, we have to follow the road that goes behind the main lodgings and continue direction to El Sucre and Estivella. When we arrive at the parking of El Sucre, continue by the road closer to the bar, that goes to Estivella. Continue by this road until arriving at the parking of Estivella, where we park the car.

*You can arrive at this point only by tall car or 4×4.



Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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