Pujol del Racó

El Pujol del Racó is a country house situated in the town of La Coma i La Pedra. It’s a civil construction of the 18th century with rectangular floor, in which we must emphasise a gallery of semi-circular archs’ porches.

Nowadays it’s uninhabited, and it’s one of the lordly country houses rich in agriculture of the town better examples.


Related routes:

10. Hermitages route (cultural route A)

12. El Verd’s mountain range route


How to get there?

It is recommendable to go to this point through the related hiking routes.

*You can’t arrive at this point by car.



Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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