
Sant Esteve de Sisquer hermitage

Sant Esteve de Sisquer is a church with Romanesque precedents although nowadats the building is dated from the 18th century. It appears quoted in the 9th century although is it not known its consecration minutes. Inside it there is a major altar of the 19th century of notable dimensions.

Like the church of La Pedra, next to the hermitage there was a castle, in this case the castle of Sisquer, one of the three castles supposedly built by Guifré el Pilós during the reorganisation that he did in la Vall de Lord.


How to get there?

From Sant Llorenç de Morunys we should take the road LV-4241 direction to Berga. Remain on this road until you reach an asphalted road on the left side signposted to Sisquer and Montcalb. Follow this asphalted road direction to the hermitage.



Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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