
Santa Creu del Roser

Santa Creu del Roser (also known as Santa Creu de la Pedra) is a hermitage located in the municipality of La Coma i la Pedra. In spite of its Romanesque appearance, its construction is from the beginnings of the 20th century.

This hermitage was built close to the house Ca l’Argelaguer, where it is believed that existed an old church that had been in the territory of the castle of La Pedra; there are no remains of this old church.

Its structure is made up by only one nave, with a non-stop and plastering barrel vault, without a defined apse. The entrance door, located in the northern facade, is crowned by a bell gable.


Related hiking routes:

10. Hermitages route (cultural route A)

11. Hermitages route (cultural route B)


Related MTB routes:

8. Route Pratformiu


How to get there?

From Sant Llorenç de Morunys take the road C-462 direction La Coma i La Pedra; follow this road until the kilometric point 27 where there is indicated a diversion in 200 metres on the right, direction to the church of la Pedra and the Puda source. Take this diversion going direction to La Pedra and before arriving at this hermitage, turn left to a paved road. Follow this road during 3 kilometres until arriving at a houses ensemble; the hermitage will be on the left.



Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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