Santa Maria de Valls

Santa Maria de Valls is a Romanesque church located in the town of Guixers, located in the town of Valls and in front of the Town Hall of this municipality, on the right side of the Valls river.

The first documented quote is from the 1040, when in this moment belonged to the monastery of Tavèrnoles; however, its structure has some add-ons of the 18th century. It is made up by one main transept with a non defined apse. We must emphasise the porch that it has, a very frequent construction in the churches and that nowadays has disappeared in some of them.


Related hiking routes:

8. Route from Valls to Pont Quebradís


Related MTB routes:

8. Route Pratformiu


How to get there?                                    

From the village of Sant Llorenç, we should take the road LV-4241 direction Berga. Remain on this road until you reach, in the km 23,9, the signalpost of La Corriu, Valls and Ajuntament, located on the right side. Take this direction for 500m and we arrive at Valls, where we found the church and the Town Hall.



Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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