14. Green way to the reservoir La Llosa del Cavall
Distance: 3,1
Dificulty: Fàcil
Difficulty: easy
Pronounced slopes (in some section)
The green way to the reservoir is a circular route that connects Sant Llorenç de Morunys with the reservoir La Llosa del Cavall. In this familiar route, you can access by foot to the kayaks zone and to return by a set up trail that goes by el barranc de les Salines.
The reservoir La Llosa del Cavall was built in 1997 and it’s one of the most characteristic points of la Vall de Lord. Nowadays, you can practise kayak and fishing there. In its environment and in its water you can observe many animal species.
More information about the route
Type: circular route
Time: 1 hour
Cumulative elevation gain: 98 m
Seasonality: during all the year
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