
Puda’s spring

La Puda spring (La Coma i La Pedra) is a sulphurous source. The high content in sulphur are caused due to the underground gypsum dissolution.

As the catalan name indicates (Puda = bad smell), the water of this spring often smells (stinks). This point is complemented with a little pond stuffed with the source water and it’s a good place to be soaked. In addition, be soaked in this water (in moderation), have several benefits for the skin and circulation.

This is an essential place to go if you visit La Vall de Lord; all seasons are recommended to go there. Even though, during the summer months, it’s a good place to cool down a bit with all the family. Besides, this point is complemented with some wooden tables and benches.


Related routes:

9. Vall de Lord’s green road route

11. Hermitages route (cultural route B)


How to go there?

From Sant Llorenç de Morunys we should take the road C-462  towards La Coma and La Pedra. Continue along this road within 3 Km. and then turn right, following La font Puda signal post. Take this detour and follow it until you reach the source.

*This point can be reached by car

**It’s not allowed to stay overnight with motorhome or van in the parking



Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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