
9. Vall de Lord green way

Distance: 7,40 km
Dificulty: Moderada


Difficulty: moderated (going and return)

 Difficulty: easy (only going)

 Without technical difficulty 

This lineal route goes from Sant Llorenç de Morunys to the point where Cardener’s river (Llobregat’s tributary) rises. In an almost 7,5 km tour (one-way) and a 400 m incline, this is an ideal route to do with kids from 10 years old.

The route will lets you discover different Vall de Lord’s cultural and natural elements while you are walking next to the river. The Vallonga’s Romanesque bridge, the Santa Creu dels Ollers’ Romanesque hermitage, the Puda source and the Cardener’s sources are some of the main attractions.

This is a route with low incline and with flat roads and paths so it is very recommendable for the families with kids.

Fonts del Cardener

More information about the route

Type: going and returning route

Time: 2h

Cumulative elevation gain: 234 m


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Associació Turisme Vall de Lord
Oficina de turisme de la Vall de Lord
25282 St. Llorenç de Morunys

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